Sculptures and Figurines by Oscar Mortens
Minnesota Private Collection





Three busts are part of this collection. These are of family members or friends of Oscar Mortens:: Fran Mortens, Gunnar and Ing Thelin. Details are shown for each with the links provided.





These busts range from 18 - 20 inches tall.

Another group image of these busts on stands is available here.

Busts by Oscar Mortens

My mother particularly cherished the bust of Ing since they became good friends in the 1950's. Gunnar Thelin was Oscar Mortens' partner at Mortens Studio in Chicago, and Ing (I believe Ingeborg was her proper name) was Gunnar's wife. The linked images show the signatures and dates on the back.

Smaller statuettes are included under the Figurines in this collection. I am not sure who the models were for these items, but the range of Oscar Mortens' talents is unquestionable.

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